Strona główna » Scholarships



Pursuant to Article 209 of the Act on higher education and science of 20 July 2018:

  1. A doctoral student who does not hold a PhD degree shall receive a doctoral scholarship.
  2. The total period of receiving the doctoral scholarship in doctoral schools must not exceed 4 years.
  3. The period mentioned in Paragraph 2 does not include the suspension period and the period of education in a doctoral school in the event specified in Article 206, Paragraph 2, of the Act.
  4. The monthly doctoral scholarship shall amount to at least:
    1) 37% of the professor’s remuneration – up to the month in which the mid-term evaluation was carried out;
    2) 57% of the professor’s remuneration – after the month in which the mid-term evaluation was carried out.
  5. In the suspension of study period, the amount of the doctoral scholarship shall be established based on, respectively, the legislation regarding the establishment of a maternal benefit; however, the base for the amount of the benefit shall be understood as the amount of the monthly doctoral scholarship, as mentioned in Paragraph 4, to which the person is eligible on the date of submitting the petition for suspension.
  6. A doctoral student holding a disability certificate, disability degree certificate or a certificate  as mentioned in Article 5 and Article 62 of the Act on occupational and social rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons of 27 August 1997, shall receive a doctoral scholarship in an amount increased by 30% of the amount indicated in Paragraph 4, Item 1. 
  7. A doctoral student who has submitted his or her PhD thesis earlier than the on the date of study completion foreseen in the curriculum shall receive the doctoral scholarship until the date on which the date of study completion expires, however, not longer than for 6 months.
  8. The doctoral student must not be employed as an academic teacher or a scientific employee. This prohibition does not apply to the employment of a doctoral student:
    1) in order to implement a scientific project as mentioned in Article 119, Paragraph 2, Items 2 and 3 of the Act;
    2) after the mid-term evaluation is completed with a positive result; however, in the event that the doctoral student is employed on a basis which exceeds half of the full-time employment, the amount of the scholarship shall amount to 40% of the amount of the monthly scholarship, as mentioned in Paragraph 4 Item 2;
    3) who is not eligible for the doctoral scholarship.

The doctoral students at the MUW Doctoral School may apply for an increased doctoral scholarship as per the criteria included in the Rules and Regulations issued by the MUW Rector’s Ordinance No. 47/2021.
Zarządzenie 47/2021 Rektora WUM z dnia 10.02.2021 ws. wprowadzenia Regulaminu przyzanwania zwiększonego stypendium doktoranckiego za osiągnięcia dla Doktorantów Szkoły Doktorskiej WUM
Załącznik do Zarządzenia - regulamin przyznawania zwiększonego stypendium doktoranckiego
- Wzór wniosku o przyznanie zwiększonego stypednium doktoranckiego